Thursday, May 29, 2014

Abandoned House

When I was little, I went to the neighborhood elementary school that was 4 blocks down the road. Up until the 2nd grade, my mom would drive me to school on her way to work. When 3rd grade began, my parents felt that I was old enough to walk to school on my own.
Everyday on my way to and from school, I passed by this old abandoned house. It was a 2 story wooden house with a basement. The white paint was peeling off the walls, revealing the stained dark brown wood underneath. The front porch was covered in dust. The lawn was covered with dead grass and patches of dirt. Curtains covered every window in the house, except for one on the 2nd floor which had a naked, faceless mannequin inside.
It was almost the end of the school year. All of the snow from last summer melted and spring has started. When walking home from school, I noticed that the front door of the house was slightly opened. But, there were no signs that anyone had gone in or out of the house. I had this strange impulse that said that I have to go inside and see what was inside.
The stairs of the front porch creaked loudly when I stepped on them. I pushed the door open and stepped in. The house was completely void of life. All the furniture was covered with white blankets. A blanket of dust covered the floor. The first room looked like what was the living room. 3 doors connected the living room to other rooms, and a stairwell in the back of the room lead to the 2nd floor. On the left, there was the kitchen and dining room. On the right, there was what looked like a sewing room. The door in the back of the room was closed.
I went up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Each step made the stairs creak. At the top of the stairs, there was a long hallway which was connected to four bedrooms and a bathroom. At the end of the hallway was the room where the mannequin looked out of the window.
In the bathroom, there was faint dripping of water. I walked into the bathroom. In it, there was an old bathtub, a toilet, and a sink with a mirror above it. The mirror faced out the door. It was yellow and had a large crack in it. When I looked into it, I noticed that there was some ink on my face that got there during school. While trying to get the pen off my face, I saw something move behind me in the corner of my eye.
I immediately turned around. There was nothing behind me. The house looked slightly darker. I peaked my head out of the door and looked to my right. Nothing. I turned and looked to the left. In the room where the mannequin is, the curtains were now closed. The mannequin was standing in the middle of the room, facing into the hallway. I was scared.
I started walked towards the stairs, then I noticed something in the bedrooms. In the bed, there was a human-shaped lump under the blankets. Hesitantly, I went into one of the rooms. I removed the blanket from the bed. Underneath was another mannequin. I was startled and jumped back. I walked back into the hallway, and the mannequin was now standing at the end of the hallway in front of the door frame.
I ran down the stairs and to the door. The door was closed. It was locked, and I couldn't leave anymore. I panicked and looked around. In the sewing room, I noticed something around the corner of the door frame. It was an arm and a leg. There was a mannequin standing there. I started to pound on the front door and crying for help. But then I realized, I saw that one of the basement windows were opened. I realized that the door at the back of the room must lead to the basement. I ran to it, twisted the door knob, and the door opened, revealing a set of stairs. Before going down, I noticed on the top of the stairs in the corner of my eye. I turned to see what it was. There were 3 mannequins standing at the top of the stairs.
I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could. In the basement, there were dozens of boxes around the room. In the middle, there was a mannequin. But it wasn't like the other ones. It was lying on the ground, with its body twisted into shapes impossible for humans. In the back of the room, there was an opened window. I ran around the mannequin, climbed on top of the boxes, and tried to climb out of the window. As I was about half-way out, I felt something grab my leg. I kicked and kicked as hard as I could and got free. I got out of the house and ran home as quickly as I could.

I never passed by that house again.

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