Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

     Puritans in the past were a very strict group of religious followers of the Bible. Everything in their life revolved around the Bible and God. Anyone who would go against these rules would be strictly punished by public humiliation, excommunication, in some extreme cases they would even be executed. People who didn't follow the Puritan beliefs or didn't believe in their God would sometimes be tortured and/or thrown out of the community. Now, in modern times, Puritans do not exist anymore. Although there may be few people who still follow these beliefs, there are no large communities of Puritans.
     The group closest to the Puritans today would be the Amish, as said in class. They have strict rules about living a simple life, so they do not use modern technologies such as cars and phones. Most of them do not get an education past 8th grade, as they think that they do not need any higher education to live their way of life. But, they are probably not as strict as the Puritans were.
     However, there are still very strict rules in our society today. The obvious ones would be no killing, hate crimes, or anything of that sort. People would not be executed or banished as easily as people were in Puritan communities. Even rules that were very strict before, such as use of profanity, are often just shrugged off. So in this day and age where most people are more laid back about breaking small rules, I do not believe that any true Puritans could exist anymore.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very well thought-out post, you make a lot of interesting points. I like how you say how some rules today resemble Puritan's rules from over centuries ago. On a side not, what strict rules do you feel that they still play a role in society today?
