Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful for Justin

     Every year around this time, we are suppose to take some time out of our days to appreciate what we have in our lives. It is a time to say thanks to everyone in our lives that have made an impact on us. I am lucky to have so many wonderful friends and family members that support me. I am grateful for the opportunity to receive an education in this great school and the opportunity to get ahead in life. However, this blog is just about that one person in my English 2 class that I am really thankful for.
     The person I am writing about is Justin Lam. We have been friends for about 2 years now, because he is the older brother of one of my friends. Although he is older than me, we share a lot of the same classes, since I was a frackie. He shares the same Algebra 2 class together, and he sits in front of me in English. Whenever we have a group project in English, we are usually in the same group. He is the first person I go to when I don't know what the homework is for English.
     We are not just friends in school though. Whenever I go to his house, he is very generous and gives me food and drinks to eat. Although we are not that common, we are still friends. He does not have the same interests as me, since he watches shows that I don't like, and he's not as good as a gamer as me. But, he is still a funny person and makes English a lot more enjoyable. I am thankful to have Justin Lam as a friend.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

     I celebrate myself for being who I am, and not being what others want me to be. I have my own interests and my own sources of happiness. Some may be happy with their solitude, being surrounded by nature. Others may like the company of dozens or even hundreds of other people around them at all times. However, I sometimes enjoy just being on my own in my own room, with the only connection I have to the outside world is the Internet, or being with just a small group of friends. Being different from others should not be frowned upon, but encouraged.
     If everyone in this world were almost exactly the same, the world would be boring. Everything would be exactly the same. It is the individualism of the artist to create something new that would amaze or interest others.
     So, I celebrate myself, just for being myself. I celebrate myself for not trying to become a doctor or lawyer like my mom wants me to. I celebrate myself for doing things that makes me happy and not what others want me to do to make myself happy. In the end, if you're not truly being yourself, you are not truly happy.